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In EDLD 5317, what a challenge I felt to get it right and that it could capture attention and I started writing to publish in an educational magazine. This course focused me on being aware of my target audience and seeking to gain momentum with the acceptance and credibility of the work I am doing with my innovation plan. First, establish a  RDE Publication Outline. This was used to organize my thoughts and plan my post to articulate my story with purpose while keeping my target audience in mind as I intentionally met the requirements of the publications I will be submitting my article to in hopes of being published.

This course prompted me to publish my work and I chose to focus on sharing my journey with blended learning in hopes of inspiring other educators to take the leap and think differently about their role as an educator. Since my plan for innovation is to implement blended learning in Kindergarten classrooms in my district, this article will speak to my target audience and share a relatable story with quantitative results that I believe will win buy-in from educators in my district.


In my  RDE Rough Draft, I share my personal experience with blended learning within a Two Way Dual Language program in a kindergarten classroom, where we use iPad devices as a vehicle to access personalized learning, capture, create, send and share. information with academics. Blended learning allowed my students to embrace choice, joy and creativity in the learning process. I explain how I implemented blended learning with our youngest students, what it looked like, and the amazing growth that has come from this model, as measured by NWEA Map's nationally normed test data. I plan to submit my article to both Educational Technology Publications and Elearm magazine in hopes of getting it published and shared with a larger audience. Being published would also give me more credibility in taking my innovation plan to my district for implementation.

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