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Contribution to
your Learning


I would say that the thing I have gained from my learning experience so far in this program is perspective. My perspective on learning has changed completely. I see myself differently than I have in the past and see everyone else in a different light also. I can say that I am more open to all learning styles and understand that everyone I meet in some way contributes to my learning path. I find myself applying class concepts in all areas of my life and thinking of everything in a different manner now. My relationships with coworkers, family, and friends have shown growth. I am finding areas that I wanted to give up thinking it was just the way it would be forever changing also because of the new perspective I have. I can honestly say that my growth in less than 16 weeks of this program so far has been the most growth I have shown in my life in that short of an amount of time.

As I entered the second semester of the ADL graduate program, I was much more confident and prepared to take on the role of learner and leader. While I was very prepared physically, I was not prepared for how much I would grow this semester. While I eventually slid back into the habit of submitting my work on time rather than early, I realize that it is because I needed the time to process the heavy, higher-order thinking. Again, I am proud of what I accomplished and grateful for the opportunity to learn.


These last eight weeks. It was all about change, although I didn't recognize the interesting duality between EDLD5302 Educational Technology Concepts and EDLD5304 Leading Organizational Change. 5302 focused on my internal change, while 5304 worked on external change. In these classes, we study a variety of perspectives, theories, and transformation. The potential to synthesize the work between both classes was incredible.


The grades I am giving myself for the classes are as follows:

5302: 96%

5304: 100%


At 5302, we built our  Growth Mindset -, a Learning Manifesto, and continue to grow in connection to a variety of Learning Networks. This course was very challenging! This course was a struggle and focus. Each assignment had a purpose, but it was up to us to go on that personal quest for the trophy to find out what that meant to us. I feel proud to reach the end, I was close to expressing and completing all my ideas, but there is still much to improve. I keep evolving.


In 5304, my plan was based on how to influence change within an organizational environment. The context was global for all areas. Include everything around me and build my plans and strategies that make sense, aligned with the concepts taught, and that fit within my organizational culture. I mapped out an Influence Strategy.  influencer strategy, a 4DX  installation plan and we hit the ground running on what our 'Why?' is. While the influencer strategy and 4DX installation plan were larger bodies of work, "What's My Why?" WHAT'S YOUR WHY 5304  The most powerful task is to measure what inspires me about learning and why I chose this career.


EDLD5302 and EDLD5304 are courses that work together in a 100/100 relationship. One is intertwined with the other, EDLD5302 was about "internal change work" and 5304 was more about "external change work". Because of this connection, I decided to create a single learning contribution assessment. The benefit of this setup is that each class's readings, frameworks, and assignments fed into the other. I felt supported by my INNOVATION PLAN - and I am still grateful, I continue to grow and enjoy this journey where I am creating an electronic portfolio design that will lead me to evolve this program.


Key Contributions

  • Checked GroupMe daily to share in discussion and support classmates

  • Provided feedforward on GroupMe and on discussion boards frequently

  • Reflected on feedforward and made revisions to ePortfolio and projects based on                                                                 suggestions of classmates and professors

  • Attended all class meetings for both 5302/5304; prepared, and on time

  • I responded in Zoom class discussion more frequently these eight weeks

  • Read class readings and watched all videos for each class

  • Met all deadlines in course calendars for both 5302/5304

  • Checked grades and emails and responded to all in a timely manner to both courses

  • Blogged outside of class requirements multiple times throughout courses

  • Applied coursework ideas and shared with friends, family, and co-workers to contribute to extended community learning

  • Checked 5302/5304 discussion boards and responded to classmates promptly

  • Messaged GroupMe with all pertinent information from class meetings


Supporting Contributions

  • Took a shared leadership role in our core group along with Argelia Perez 

  • Reached out to classmates and offered support as needed


Areas for Improvement

  • Take advantage of each professor's conference time as needed

  • Complete my assignments before the due date to have more time to receive feedforward from collaboration groups.

While I'm pleased with the way I've grown these eight weeks, I still need to improve to receive feedforward from my collaboration groups. I love writing things in notebook form, and while that works for me, it doesn't give me enough time to receive feedback from my peers. I'll be more intentional about moving my notes and assignments to digital format to share with  classmates for improvement and growth.

I am learning that there is no reason to be intimidated by others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and if we will take a chance to rely on each other, we will develop much more quickly and fully than we ever imagined possible. I can't wait to see where this journey leads. I feel grateful to be a part of this program.

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