Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.”
Roosty Tovar
As I began the DLL program at Lamar University, my eyes were opened to the possibilities that technology tools can offer to teaching and learning, provided that they are implemented well with the appropriate planning. My interest in technology-enhanced education turned quickly to blended learning, and then to developing an in-class blended learning environment for my students. The development of language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – occurs at a different pace for different students. I realized through my research that an in-class blended learning environment could provide my students the opportunity to dedicate their learning time to the skills that they find the most challenging, while still having the benefits that come from face-to-face instruction.
As I move forward with my master’s degree, it is my responsibility to share what I have learned through my research about the implementation of my innovation plan of the Blended Learning with Station Rotation Model. I have been reviewing literature related to blended learning and am considering the opportunity to submit an article to one of the many online publication journals.
Below you will find my RDE Publication Outline. If you would like an abbreviated version, I invite you to review my action research plan outline. Thank you in advance for your suggestions and recommendations.