Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.”
Roosty Tovar
Contribution to your Learning
and your Learning Community
5320 - 5318
This final time was quite a duo of courses. I used learning as application and learning as reflection. Incredibly, time had come to an end at this stage, these were the last two courses of the ADL program. There are a variety of emotions associated with completing this program: excitement at having completed a goal I set out to achieve a year ago, sadness at not moving forward with my classmates but also a bit of relief knowing that I will have some time back on my weekends for a while. Most importantly, I am motivated to move forward and represent the ideals and concepts of this program in my work, career, and future education. The two classes had the theme “everything together.” EDLD5318 – Instructional Design – offered techniques and outcomes that began to position and harness all of our learning and begin to channel it into a viable learning design product. EDLD5320 aligned everything to a single matrix. The final synthesis offered 8 weeks of pure reflection. Both classes really posed a question of “okay, what now?” – just in two different ways: one in application and one in reflection.
In EDLD5320, I wrote an Innovation Plan Update. Two months ago, the new dual language program academy began in my school district, and I am one of the participants in this great project. In these two months, I have been able to make great progress towards important components of my innovation plan in ways that I did not imagine possible when I started the ADL program last year, although there is still some way to go, during this year and next, we will be once every month, preparing to make this plan a great dual plan, language, culture and combined learning. While my innovation plan addresses the innovation of a specific "Dual Language" program in rotation stations within small groups to blended learning, my achievements have not only affected this program, but have quickly extended to a learning strategy broader combined across the team and school district I work for. The following are the main achievements and milestones that I wanted to incorporate into this learning contribution.
Now I am actively preparing for the first vacancy that is proposed to me on my team, in the role of Dual Language Counselor. I will design your onboarding plan in a way that presents you with my strategies, which are now influenced by the ADL program.
A “learning design strategy” continues to be deepened with connection to my Influencer Strategy.
A new set of design documents has been created in direct connection with ADL concepts.
For example, a “statement of work” planning document was designed to support the new strategy.
I introduced my team and all learning designers to a hybrid model of Bloom's taxonomy and Fink's taxonomy when it comes to writing learning objectives. We have moved on to recognize Fink's 6 learning domains as we move toward developing meaningful learning environments.
We have reshaped our designer consultation process around an objectives/key results approach that is consistent with the learning present in Outcomes, Assessments and Activities Alignment Outcomes Assessment & Activities and Understanding by Design. In 2024, I hope to implement a new "integration" process for Parents or Representatives who want to venture into the role of supporting their students in dual languages, inviting our students to a more ambitious foreign language space.
A fellow teacher has taken on the role of Learning Experience Designer, where she will program manage the core elements of our ADL-inspired blended learning strategy.
We have confirmed our partnership with our Leadership Development Team to work in partnership to offer other academic training plans, "content blocks/learning journeys" and apply them in the coming quarters at different levels of competency (essential, advanced practice, leader model). We are projecting work in the consultation and design process of our first blended learning trip: “Station Rotation” in multiple presentations. We anticipate a pilot this Q4 of 2023, with a full implementation in March 2024. Although not exact, I will refer to my Implementation Plan for further ideas.
EDLD5318 and EDLD5320 are courses that work together in a supporting/supporting type of relationship. EDLD5318 was about developing a robust instructional design sample course. This was learning in action. EDLD5320 was about learning through reflection. Each quarter, I work diligently to connect the content and value of each of the two courses, to begin synthesizing information and giving meaning to new ideas. The benefit of this setup is that the readings, frameworks, and assignments from each class drove the other. Looking back, I feel that the work I was accomplishing in one course only enhanced and progressed my work in the other.
I suggest the following ratings based on the self-assessment and self-determined criteria that follow. I approached the eight weeks in total as a connected effort, I must admit that it was not easy for me to record myself and be able to show my deficiencies and nervousness in videos, but I strived to make each moment a new experience that added to my innovation project, and although It may not seem like it in my case, this is very significant, instead of two different experiences. For that reason, I set each grade to be the same. I wanted to rate myself below this, but I felt that my total contribution was of greater content than in previous periods. My group of colleagues also encouraged me to do so, who daily inspire and support me in the great work I am doing both inside and outside. from the classroom. As I said previously, I am using my ADL knowledge daily in my new role as a participant in my School District's first Dual Language Academy to build my strategy around these frameworks. Being able to share this experience is very meaningful.
EDLD 5318: 95/100 (95%)
EDLD 5320: 95/100 (95%)
In January of this year (2023) the ADL program was starting. I remember being excited, nervous about going back to school, and to be honest, a little skeptical if I had made the right decision. Initially, I was in a maze of decisions, I had planned to go back to school to pursue a Master's or Graduate program. Many of the Master's programs that interested me required other requirements that, as a foreign professional, were more difficult for me to achieve at that time; today the test has been passed. My goal was to find an accelerated, interesting, and challenging Master of Education program as a way to achieve these 30 credits and get back into the swing of things. I found Lamar. Well, in fact, Lamar found me, a group of foreign teachers like me sent me the information one afternoon and after meeting several requirements, the acceptance letter arrived.
My group of classmates and I went through a lot this year, personally and professionally. What I learned about a peer group, in this environment, is that the support and camaraderie extend far beyond the classroom. I am very proud of all of my classmates and cohort, but my friendship with Rossmary Vera Argelia PerezRamirez will continue to be one of the best things I continue from this program. We also continue to participate with another collaborative groupme Educational Technology Leadership and other colleagues such as Maria Aracelis, Jeremy, Angela, Bambi, Irais, Loreen, Blanche, etc.
The number of deliverables on my ePortfolio blog RoostyTovar Teacher continues to grow exponentially. I love a good theme and a good aesthetic. I have started to get back into learning WordPress a bit more and learning how to troubleshoot formatting issues. Each time I create a new deliverable, I begin to think to myself “how will this support the brand of my ePortfolio?” or “what am I trying to say to my audience?”.
Contributions and Achievements:
I contributed to my collaboration groups adding an organizational perspective.
I read most required readings, viewed every video, and juggled new work responsibilities.
I challenged myself to provide my peers with examples of past or current project examples.
I challenged myself to provide my peers with a business/adult learning lens to expand their views.
I challenged myself to find the parallels across all education environments.
If I had an “ah-hah” moment, I communicated it, so that perhaps someone might benefit from it.
I completed usability testing of my classmates' instructional design projects.
I engaged in feedforward for a variety of reflective activities throughout the term.
To increase my effectiveness beyond this program, I give myself the following five challenges.
I challenge myself to regularly return to my Learning manifesto and Learning Philosophy.
I challenge myself to take some rest over the next few months and read/learn for fun.
I challenge myself to continue to a doctoral program by primavera 2025.
I challenge myself to build my team at work to be the most effective and innovative as possible.
I challenge myself to be proud of the work I have done, and share it every chance I get.
We have reached THE FINISH LINE…..