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Influencer Strategy

The difference between effective and ineffective change makers is that the effective ones don’t rely on a single source of influence. They marshal several sources at once to get superior results. 

I would like to show some student behavior issues. I need to combine multiple overwhelming strategy influences, all for the purpose of influencing my students to succeed where others may fail because they "over determine" success. Instead of seeking the minimum necessary to achieve change, they combine a critical mass of different types of influence strategies


W. Edwards Dewing, father of modern industrial engineering, says "It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best." In his book, In Influencer: The Power to Change Anything, change researcher Ken Patterson (2008) states:

If you’ve ever struggled to get ideas adopted or change the system you’re in, read this.

The Influencer Change Model is about changing behaviors to achieve measurable results.  And you change behavior by changing motivation and ability across personal, social, and structural aspects.

  I like it because it’s a simple lens to look at those persistent problems where change seems impossible. In my innovation plan Innovation Proposal RT, I seek to show the need for students to carry two languages ​​in parallel as a structural part of their academic development, to show the positive influence of embracing the challenge of blended learning, including written and read communication, through a program effective model of its curricular objective.

The key is to clarify measurable results, finding vital behaviors, and analyzing six sources of influence. Most change efforts fail because they look at only one source of influence or they don’t focus on the vital behaviors.  Vital behaviors get specific on what actions to take that produce exponential results. Change efforts also fail because they don’t identify crucial moments which are when the right choices matter.

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The 6 Sources of Influence

To conclude, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor Frankl

Beyond the cumulative benefits of making individual teachers and students successful, the influence effect can change various rules within school organizations. Study after study reinforces the idea that teams with diversity of thought and strategy result in higher profitability, greater innovation, and balanced risk-taking. The evidence is simply overwhelming. This should act as an incentive for the top leaders in our school district and also for the top leaders in our school to take a hard look at the number of people represented on their leadership teams at all levels. Where the student percentage would be the greatest representative in the development achievements properly raised.




Harapnuik, D. (2016, January 28) 4 effective ways to find and test vital behaviors. Retrieved from

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