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Instructional Design


Part 2 / Explanation

This course is designed for teachers and administrators who will be part of the two-way dual language program with blended learning station rotation Innovation-plan. Here students develop their knowledge. The teacher's role is more that of a coach or mentor, offering guided, ubiquitous access and social networks. 

The course is entirely online and Outcome Base Education (OBE). The instructional design aligns the outcomes, activities, and assessments and meets nine academic general standards:

  • Course overview and introduction

  • Learning Objectives (Outcomes)

  • Assessment and Measurement

  • Instructional material

  • Learning activities and learner interaction

  • Course Technology

  • Learner and instructional support

  • Accessibility and Usability


Subject: Blended Learning Station Rotation Two Way Dual Language. 

Level of instruction: Professional Development

Intended audience: Innovation Plan blended learning in rotation stations and within the Two Way Dual Language program.

Key institutional document: vocabulary

Instructional Design Approach: Backward design OBE using Fink’s 3-Column Table

Duration: Five Weeks/Modules 


The overall goal of learning a language in today's global society is to communicate effectively for business and travel. This includes being able to understand spoken and written language, as well as communicating fluently when speaking and writing. In this unit, you will develop the vocabulary knowledge and language structure skills you will need to navigate the different cities of Latin America and explore artistic and cultural movements with the goal of developing an appreciation across the centuries. 


Learning goals

Fundamental: Students will be able to identify vocabulary and grammatical structures related to travel and cultural activities in Spanish-Latin America.


Application: Students will be able to communicate in guided contextual situations using the appropriate register for the situation so that they can be understood by native Spanish speakers from Latin America.


Integration: Students will identify similarities and differences between their culture and American culture and share them in their video blog.


Human Dimension: Students will identify which areas of art are of greatest interest to them and explore those interests in preparation for creating an online art exhibit.


Care: Students will identify an appreciation for art and a recognition of the importance of maintaining this element of cultural heritage for future generations.

Learning to learn: Students will develop skills that will help them identify which learning strategies are most effective for them personally.

Desired results

Students should be able to:


Compare and contrast transportation options and cultural experiences in Spanish-Latin America with those of your own cultures.

Effectively engage in authentic, guided conversations and video blog posts related to navigating as a tourist.

Write authentically (appropriate level) and effectively about foreign travel experiences.

Evaluate Internet research resources for accuracy and value.

Synthesize research to create an online art exhibition.



The students enrolled in the course will be students in the last phase or level of Elementary, in grades kinder through twelve.




Unit schematic Two Way Dual Language


Start here



Module 1/Weeks 1-2: The Why of the Station rotation blended learning


Module 2/Weeks 1-3: Ownership of Station rotation



Module 3/Weeks 2-4: Authentic Content Creation



Module 4/Week 3- 5: Collaboration



Module 5/Week 4-5: Learn How to Learn




Access to online textbooks

Cultural reading passages

Vocabulary lists

Quizlet links to vocabulary and grammar activities.

Grammar videos about verbs in the present, past, adjective agreement and imperative mood.

Practice activities for vocabulary and grammatical concepts.

Discussion forum to seek clarification on grammatical structures.

Listening comprehension activities in audio and video.

Online art exhibition project description.

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